View Full Version : Toyota Avensis 2004 Key

3rd October, 2013, 03:25 PM
Hi brothers, someone to add this key in ImmoBox

Identification transpondeur...
Transpondeur identifi? comme Texas Crypto
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ID 4D - 67/68/70 - JMA TP xx
Mot de passe: 33 - Verrouill?
Identifiant: 65 - Verrouill?
Num?ro de s?rie: 0AE8F317 - Verrouill?
Cl? secr?te: Verrouill?
Toyota 4D-70

4th October, 2013, 10:36 PM
Hi brothers, someone to add this key in ImmoBox

Identification transpondeur...
Transpondeur identifi? comme Texas Crypto
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ID 4D - 67/68/70 - JMA TP xx
Mot de passe: 33 - Verrouill?
Identifiant: 65 - Verrouill?
Num?ro de s?rie: 0AE8F317 - Verrouill?
Cl? secr?te: Verrouill?
Toyota 4D-70

here is the new file pass pm