View Full Version : immo off for rover 800 kv6

16th October, 2013, 01:59 PM
dear friends

I have a rover 800 kv6 in my workshop inmobilized.

the comes with the engine inmobilized activated.
having a central electronic immobilizer, an antenna in a key
has remote control rf, the remoto control is broken.
making emergency starting the car starts, but turning off the car not start again, and must be repeated again starting emergency.
tranponder brings key? I dont see
and tried to reprogram the engine EEPRON with a file immo off unsuccessful!!!
to reprogram the eeprom I cut the comunication with the engine ecu and connect the rele to engine start to groud unsuccessful!!!
I need help with dump for eepron 93c66 for the engine ecu and the method, not if I do something wrong!!
thank so much