View Full Version : IMMO OFF GUIDE

7th November, 2013, 12:00 AM
Hello everyone,

since I am new within immo would like to ask, if there/here is a general guide which shows how to localize immo to turn it off? Would like to do it on EDC15 and EDC16 since I would like to replace the ECUs with other ones.

Saw that there is solution to read and edit the flash chip of the ECU or to programm the IMMO-Chip, e.g. the 24C02 for Audi.

Would prefer the first solution (editing the ECU flash) but I am not sure, if this is always possible and what to search for in the .BIN file?

Thanks a lot!

7th November, 2013, 08:18 AM
immooff is the ultimate solution to fix the problem
not that begins

7th November, 2013, 10:51 AM
Hello Gokey!

Thanks for your reply, but since I am relative new with that topic I do not understand what do you mean by "immooff is the ultimate solution"? Do you mean a special software for doing immo off or ...?

Thanks again

8th November, 2013, 01:01 PM
start reading the posts...and get some experience......this dosnt come cheap mate!

9th November, 2013, 06:12 PM
Thanks mate! Shouldn't be cheap, i just wanted to ask if there is any information about. If not, I will try it and soon let you know about :)