View Full Version : Help for Flash CAS3 BMW sw 6.943.830

1st March, 2014, 07:17 AM
Hi i try read a CAS3 BMW E93 2007 with R260 but programmer give me Error, i don't know why ? I lost Flash and EEprom this CAS Anyone have dump flash with version 6.943.830. DME This CAR: MSV80 I have a set of another car (Flash+EEprom CAS) + EEprom 95640 DME(MSV80) + one Remote , Can i write in to CAS and DME This car ? please help me Thanks.

2nd March, 2014, 05:34 PM
Please help me .

2nd March, 2014, 05:39 PM
buy a new CAS with your vin.
You cannot sync this ecu with other CAS.