View Full Version : Alfa 156 1.8TS immo off

3rd May, 2014, 06:12 PM
Hi, I need immo off for bosch me7.3.1
Flash bin is in attachment.258439
I tried writing immo off file made wit carsoftware but cant starte, code error.


Fiat Hawdware Number 46815366
Bosch Hardware Number 0261206711
Bosch Hardware Id 00
Bosch Software Number 1277356449
Bosch Sofware Id 0103
Fiat Identifacation Number
Fiat Iso Code 7C860E80E5
Fiat Tester Number
Programming Date 18/07/2001

3rd May, 2014, 08:01 PM
Write your immo off file and then write your original file , and try to start engine.

3rd May, 2014, 09:55 PM
Hi, I need immo off for bosch me7.3.1
Flash bin is in attachment.258439
I tried writing immo off file made wit carsoftware but cant starte, code error.


Fiat Hawdware Number 46815366
Bosch Hardware Number 0261206711
Bosch Hardware Id 00
Bosch Software Number 1277356449
Bosch Sofware Id 0103
Fiat Identifacation Number
Fiat Iso Code 7C860E80E5
Fiat Tester Number
Programming Date 18/07/2001

start your car ....solution tested..

4th May, 2014, 07:20 AM
ok, I will try today. Just does it matter that car was originaly 1.6TS(alfa 147), and we swaped 1.8ts from 156 into it.
Now car is running on original 1.6ts ecu, and this ecu that I need immo off and put in is from 156 ?