View Full Version : BMW EWS2 emulator software

11th June, 2014, 06:22 AM
I need some help.
I bought an emulator for BMW ews2, ews3
It uses a software called ews2 emulator.
I got it from my provider.
I tried to install it in windows 7 64 bit and windows XP professional spk3 with no luck.
But I get a message that says that I am missing a file EWS2emu.cab
I don't find it anywhere...can someone help me?
I attached the software I got from the vendor.
thanks in advance !!!
cheers mates.

11th June, 2014, 08:18 AM
open the archive
go into the folder EWS2emu
start EWS2emu.exe
for me it works without problems (Win XP SP3 and Win 7)

11th June, 2014, 08:28 AM
I tried on both, windows xp pro spk3, and windows 7 home spk 1 and no luck...dont know what am I doing wrong.....

11th June, 2014, 10:17 AM
thats exactly how it works....
for me too, not a problem.

11th June, 2014, 11:51 AM
hello what is the error you get on your computer , most times your computer is missing a dill or ocx file or something like that .


12th June, 2014, 06:50 PM
Some times when you try to execute the software ( EWS2emu.exe) it gives you a fail massage of file * MSSTDFMT.DLL* that needs to be on your pc.
below is the attached copy of the fix, it contains 2 files, the .bat file that does everything automatic....but only on windows xp...did not work on windows 7 64 bit for me.
I only tested it in windows Xp pro SPK3 and worked, at least it opens the software now.
Hope this help someone.

12th June, 2014, 07:37 PM
I need some help mates...
Here is the situation.
I have a 1990 BMW E30.
We installed an 1999 M3 engine into the E30 above ( M3 engine S32 made for the USA Market).
The engine computer is a SIEMENS DME MS41.1 ( original from the M3 engine above ( fig1)
We are having troubles with the INMO, since we only swapped the engine, engine harness and ECU from the original M3 to the E30 chassis.
Therefore the car is immobilized due to lack of the EWS computer, ignition antenna and so on.
I got an EWS2 emulator from china.
I am using the software *ews2 emulator* from RobinDAB.
Laptop is a dell d630 running windows Xp pro SPK3.
The emulator instructions said that I need to use any kind of SERIAL to K line connector, such as D-CAN, STD:OBD, VCDS com version, VAGPROG, etc.etc.
I have a KWP 2000 serial to k line adapter, therefore I figured it can be used as well. FIG 2
Note that my interface is USB, NOT serial COM port?but FIG 3 shows it is a serial to K line interface as needed for the use of the EWS2 emulator software from RobinDAB...thererfore I assumed I was using the right K line adapter.
I tested my KWP 2000 into the car and see if communication was ok. Fig 4 shows that everything so far is working fine.
I installed all the wires just as the manual said, and jumper is installed on the emulator to do the programming.
But when I tried to read both SIEMENS ECU and EMULATOR, the message at the bottom of the display say: NO ECHO FROM KLINE..
FIG 5 shows the issue.
So, I am stuck...don't know if the KWP 2000 is not good to work on that software or if the china emulator2 is bad....
I tried on other BMW with EWs and same results..
Any ideas how to solve my problem are very welcome...

12th June, 2014, 08:31 PM
way you not make immo off on the ECU?

12th June, 2014, 08:53 PM
way you not make immo off on the ECU?
dont know how to do it...I read that you need to desolder an eeprom out of the board, but I dont know which one....the photo shows the internals of the DME.
then read the eprom, and re-write the info with a bin file.
It would be great If I could find guide somewhere on how to do it...
I have expirience in electronics, and also I am an automotive technician, plus I repair a lot of other electronic automotive devices and diagnostics equipment, therefore I think with a little push on the right direction I will manage to do it.
thanks for the help mate...

13th June, 2014, 05:33 PM
way you not make immo off on the ECU?
could I re-program the ecu of this particular ECU with the KWP 2000 plus? I see that it includes the software...could I do it?

27th October, 2017, 09:17 PM
looking for EWSAdded.rar it will not let me download it. tells me I am not logged in so when I log in again the login page just keeps reappearing

17th March, 2019, 12:55 PM
it keeps telling i have no permision to download the added files. first file i can download.

22nd September, 2019, 07:22 AM
Some times when you try to execute the software ( EWS2emu.exe) it gives you a fail massage of file * MSSTDFMT.DLL* that needs to be on your pc.
below is the attached copy of the fix, it contains 2 files, the .bat file that does everything automatic....but only on windows xp...did not work on windows 7 64 bit for me.
I only tested it in windows Xp pro SPK3 and worked, at least it opens the software now.
Hope this help someone.

Hi Newbee here,

I got to download the file. But don't have an idea where to place it on my laptop.
Appreciate your inputs.

9th December, 2019, 11:39 AM
Is anybody have to work this in windows 10 64bit?

2nd February, 2020, 03:16 PM
help. I have this problem too, and i dont know how to decide this problem

18th March, 2020, 08:29 PM
Please assist I have the same problem loading this software

ruben e46
28th February, 2023, 09:40 AM
Buenas soy nuevo y no se bien como va esto a si que gracias de antemano necesito software para configurar emulador ews alguien m lo puede pasar?