View Full Version : Movie channels?

26th July, 2014, 04:03 PM
All my movie channels are scrambled, using the latest AJs channel list

26th July, 2014, 05:42 PM
What about the sports channels, syfy and $ky 1 are these working, if there not, make sure your box has a working internet connection by trying the YouTube app in network apps. If that works then it sound like the problem isn't at your end but at your providers end, best contact them and see if there's a problem.

26th July, 2014, 06:58 PM
hi on the question on the youtube app and you**** app mine have never worked on my skybox f3 ive had a few providers the channels have worked but not the network apps anbody any ideas ?

thanks scotty:top:

26th July, 2014, 08:15 PM
Can't comment on the f3 but on my f5s both YouTube and You#### work correctly, in fact I had to check many different categories on the You#### app just to make sure :top:

I know the f5s had a firmware update to fix a YouTube bug perhaps the f3 had the same update? And you just need to update your box.

27th July, 2014, 03:36 PM
oh yes my software version is 3601HD dated 19-11-2012 but like i said everythings ok with my box its just the network apps

cheers for that scotty