View Full Version : MAG 250 IPTV

29th July, 2014, 11:36 AM
Hi all!!!!

Just thought I would post a thread here about the new (ish) IPTV

Now as we all know the thing that dare not speak its name has had some problems, and may well soon all be over, so the way forward is IPTV.

Now as in anything in life you get what you pay for.

I have been asked to test a portal for someone who I used for years for the (ahem er dont speak about thing)
Now, if your wanting top quality and HD, then expect to pay top quality and HD Prices!!!

This isn't cheap, as any of the decent providers will upload the service to a server, as it's more stable at handling the bandwith than merely just streaming.

For the full lot, you get my drift!!! including Bein and Al Jaz sports, you'll be looking between 200-250p.a which if you thinki about it isn't bad, if your a footy fan, then your laughing!!! as you'll never miss anything ever again.

Ok, so I know its not cheap, but the old saying you get what you pay for, the service is hopefull going to be out start of August, and he's asked me to test it, so when I have will let you all know.

I have seen a few of these, as just like CS, there are idiots popping up everywhere, not knowing what they're doing and selling well s#!@t!!
It may cost more than ppl are use to, but it'll be the only way to get all the premier leauge and sporting events in glourious HD without marrying off Murdoch or Branson!!!!

Wil report back here when i have more news!!!


James :) :)

29th July, 2014, 02:21 PM
How ever you word this it still falls foul of the Forum Rules as with satellite Card sharing this is identical and so cannot be discussed or reported on.
