View Full Version : MITSUBISHI ID 60

29th November, 2014, 04:11 PM
hello mates...
I need some help .
I have a 2001 Mitsubishi Montero USA version with all key lost issue.
I am looking for an image file to produce an ID 60 for that car.
I have zed bull clone,. and It says the TPX2 is ok to make the key.
I also have the x100 key programmer that works fine with Mitsubishi, I has the right menu to do all the process.
But my zed bull does not have any image for the Mitsubishi ID 60, only ID 61 .
Can someone help me to get a new image file to write to the TPX2 ?
Any help would be much appreciated.

30th November, 2014, 03:08 PM
Dear friend.
If you want to program a new key laboratory, using the file immobilizer; you have to read the micro which is within the immobilizer. but you also said to have a X100. and this tool can do it without problems a new key. maybe you can ask for pin code for programming. even they have told me they do not ask x100 pin code in Mitsubishi.

1st December, 2014, 03:58 AM
dear achaccha.
I think that the x100 can program a new key on that particular car , and I also have a pin code generator if needed.
But I need a new ID 60 key...and I thought 2 ways to do it...
a) get a new original Mitsubishi id 60 key
b) make a key using a TPX2 and a dump file,,either using a dump file of any other Mitsubishi ID 60 or the dump file of the immo box info of the car as you already said.
Reading the IMMO box is my last resource...don't want to do the same key just in case the original appears and someone can stole the car..therefore I want to do a new one.
I thought that I need just a valid Mitsubishi ID 60 key, or prepare it one by means of a TPX2 and write the ID 60 info to it.
Any other advice would be much appreciated.

3rd December, 2014, 04:50 AM
can someone help me on this ???
today I tried to do the Mitsubishi Montero.
I got 2 chips...ID 60 and ID 61, since those are the 2 possible choices depending on model year...
I connected the X100, choose the car and the X100 asked for a password that it already had on screen...when into the procedure.. I put the ID61 first...asked me if I wanted to program another chip..and exit...
but the security key keeps blinking...so I waited a few minutes, then I tried the same procedure but this time with the ID 60...and the same results...
I even tried the procedure with a different equipment, and the same results.
I think the procedure for this particular car is very easy....but I don't know why is not working..
There is one funny detail...every time that I wnet to the IMMO system the ABS light started the blink rapidly, and I can also hear the ABS relay on the engine compartment going crazy on and off....and it does the same with any scanner I could use..
I think something is very wrong with this car...funny thing it was working fine, and the customer only lost the keys....
some pics.
Those 2 pics below are the 2 carbon ID that I used...
any comments would much appreciated.

3rd December, 2014, 04:53 AM
hello mates can someone tell me on the pic below where is the eeprom that stores the IMMO data? is it A or B ?
I cant read the numbers...

3rd December, 2014, 08:09 AM
keys stored in Motorola H44H mcu, possible generate keys from dump

3rd December, 2014, 08:35 AM
friend try to make ignition on for more than 20 min with transponder on antenna before begin to program key many times I forced this with Mitsubishi car there is invisible down counter


3rd December, 2014, 04:13 PM
thanks naelraddad:
now that you mentioned that particular procedure, I read in the service manual that if I input the wrong password or pin five times in a row the system would go into a mode they call *start prevention mode*, and it will disable fuel supply and all special functions would be disabled. The service manual all said that If I need to override this start prevention mode I need to place the ignition key in the ON position and leave it as is for 20 minutes, just as you said.
I thought this procedure was only for wrong password 5 times in a row situation....and to be honest I went directly to program the key...funny thing is that after many attempts to program both ID61 and ID60 the x100 could not communicate with the IMMo for a while....
I also don't know how many hours or days this car was left untouched...the customer said the car was parked for almost 6 days...but I cannot be sure.
But your comment is very interesting indeed....and I will do you advice.
thanks for taking your time to share our knowledge.

3rd December, 2014, 04:45 PM
thanks OKURA..
I finally cleaned the board without removing the letters and I found the numbers on the MCU, but I cant find any info on this MCU.
I UPA usb 2014 complete with IMMo tool...but I don't have the socket or clip to attach the MCU and read it..
thanks for the help my friend.

3rd December, 2014, 06:39 PM
it is HC805, programmer from Alex, no problem with read/write :)