View Full Version : Yamaha Drag Star XVS 1100

7th January, 2015, 08:03 PM

How to open dash Yamaha Drag Star XVS 1100 ?


7th January, 2015, 08:53 PM
Only a guess, but it looks like the front bezel has to be removed, then undo the screws in the back and pull it forwards,

8th January, 2015, 08:14 AM
Thanks, but I need info how to remove the front bezel. Its not easy.


8th January, 2015, 08:29 AM
... The general way is find a thin flat head screw driver that is about 2/3rds the width of the bezel edge, find a thick rag like a piece of beach towel to put over the hand that will be holding the gauge (this is so you dont stab yourself multiple times).

Place the gauge glass down, i would recommend a rubber mat or similar over a rag, as you dont want to slip with a thin Flathead.

Attack at a 30 degree tangent, and pointing down about 30 degrees, if its soft metal you should be able to just spin around, if not leaver against the side of the gauge gently, moving forward as you go to bend it up taking multiple loops so your not forcing it too much in any one place,

In return, could i get a year model, an image of the PCB and the eeprom dump.

8th January, 2015, 07:22 PM
Thanks Rerouter. I try remove front bezel use this method.