View Full Version : cas3 problem

14th January, 2015, 03:20 PM
hi, i know, whenn something wrong in cas3 must buy a new one, but i have a littlebit specific problem
i read cas3 whit xprog, inside was 9s12dg256 so i set in xprog 9s12hz256 eep, read it, set km to zero and write it back. after i mount back to car, car wont start, com back home reprogram again, an i see that xprog read only first half of eep (2K not 4K) ...
my question is, what can be wrong, when i read and write only first part its mean that second part was not touched ... second part have small data, is it possible copy it from other cas3?


28th January, 2016, 07:23 PM
hi, did you solved your problem? I have same problem in CAS 3 from BMW 120d E87


30th January, 2016, 05:37 PM
yes i solve it, i buy a new one :-)