View Full Version : BMW E39 dash swap

2nd March, 2015, 06:54 AM

I have a puzzle and i can not sort it out. It's a 1998 E39 535i v8 the original cluster broke and someone tried to fix it with strong hands (the ribbon). So i got a used unit from a 540i, i put the 93s56 over and it shows around 686000km, but no red dot,original mileage 229Kkm. I have tried to generate a dump for 229k using all the options from Tachosoft but it was either 78k or 9500km or 686000km.
I've attached both dumps, original and donor. Donor was on around 299Kkm can anyone make a dump from me which shows 229km and no reddot?

Thank you

2nd March, 2015, 07:57 AM
sw version of new cluster is different , do you have some program like bmw scanner ? try to use orig new eeprom in your new cluster then change mileage and change vin to remove red dot , use ncsexpert to code your FA in new cluster .

3rd March, 2015, 06:54 AM
thx i worked it out as you suggested