View Full Version : 2015 highlander

19th April, 2015, 05:55 PM
hello any info on this vehicle chip ,location, etc , a dump if possible


20th April, 2015, 01:06 PM
1000's no info?

6th May, 2015, 04:50 PM
Hey Buddy! Any news or new info on this cluster? I looked into the inner part of the printboard and found an eeprom, but i don't know what kind of chip it is. Because it is on the inside, i cannot connect to it using a clip. If you ever figured it out, do you know where the soldering points are on the back side of the cluster and what eeprom type it is? Thank you!

7th May, 2015, 04:37 AM
i pulled needles .............its a baby micro

7th May, 2015, 03:30 PM
i pulled needles .............its a baby micro

Thanks for replay
How hard is it to remove the needles. The needle's motors looks like Nissans and I have had bad experience with that. When you removing the needles is it going to come out with axles or without? When the axle comes out, it becomes nearly impossible to return them to the original position, and the needles begin to either jerk or stop midway because of the motor design. Can you explain how you have removed the needles, from your experience. And what type of IC is it: c86 c66?

Thank you for your time