View Full Version : HYUNDAI i10 automatic IMMO OF

30th May, 2015, 09:47 AM
Hi friends...
I have a Hyundai i10 1.1 with start problem.
D.T.C. P1693 : "Immobiliser transponder error"
I replace 1.Keys 2.Antenna immo 3.Smartra ....4.ECU !!!..5.check the harness.....but the problem still about 2-3 times a week every try to start the engine.
So please can you switch IMMO OF ?
Here the elements:
ECU = 39110-02DD5
Pin: 829328 (if you help)
and i found a ST95160 with the following dump:
Thank you

31st May, 2015, 09:22 PM
just install new smartra and make virgin key

1st June, 2015, 06:18 PM
I instal new smartra and two virgin keys last year....but the problem insists