View Full Version : EDILOCK, have you used them and what you think !

1st September, 2015, 11:37 AM
Hi guys

ive just tried to contact this guy to sort my mates FORD tool out

and oh my god
this guy is soooo arrogant
im surprised he has any customers at all !!

all he was to do was connect to the laptop and read log files out

and starts spouting to me its my tool dont try to tell me how it works

FFS whats wrong with these guys

im glad my money is elsewhere and not with this guy

he can stick his over priced tools up his jaxie !


1st September, 2015, 09:10 PM
I agree... spoke to him about purchasing a Tango and Orange 5 sometime ago... and he had the worst attitude I have ever seen from a seller!


2nd September, 2015, 01:02 AM
Lol @ jaxie !!!

Locksmith Hungary
2nd September, 2015, 08:10 AM
I agree...

2nd September, 2015, 09:45 AM
[09:01:50] tunertool: i think a few people share the same opinion about you
[09:03:29] tunertool: Any thoughts? :D
[09:13:04] Edilock Ltd. www.vag-info.com & www.edilock-bg.com: I think that they are the same ~~~~ or dick heads like you and I am glad that they are not my customers. Same ~~~~ like yiu
[09:13:43] Edilock Ltd. www.vag-info.com & www.edilock-bg.com: You better ask them to give you the whole conversation and then you will see who is the arrogant ~~~~ like you.
[09:15:10] Edilock Ltd. www.vag-info.com & www.edilock-bg.com: I have millions of customers so 3 or 5 fools like you is better to ~~~~ them out. One day when you learn how to behave and respect manufactures and sellers then you can open your ~~~~ mouth.

And this is the attitude you can expect from this guy

4th September, 2015, 12:14 PM
true guys
his attitude stunk

i only said it would take him 5 mins to get the log file off his now not working tool since the update

what a joker

im glad my money is else where cos if i spoke to him for assistance with one of his products and he spoke to me like this then id of taken it to him and rammed it up his ass.


4th September, 2015, 09:08 PM
Yeah I've had dealings with them, its a joke their customer service skills.

4th September, 2015, 10:09 PM
Only God knows where EDILOCK came from, i asked him of Orange 5 price he start up with negative answers and his arrogant life, i can see nothing will change him and he's ready to remain like that forever. Funny enough his tools is ~~~~ing expensive compare to other store in Europe.

4th September, 2015, 10:23 PM
I had exact same... I asked price and he went crazy on me.

5th September, 2015, 11:47 AM
I have bought a couple of things from him now. Sometimes he has been very quick with replies and other times a little slow but he has gotten back to me.

I once stuffed a BMW CAS2 and emailed him for help, lots of emails to him and he responded and came up with a solution that got me sorted. My overall experience with him has been good and since he helped me I now buy my Tango and AVDI modules from him to support him.

5th September, 2015, 01:22 PM
You must be one of the few who feel that way :)

5th September, 2015, 01:50 PM
I have bought a couple of things from him now. Sometimes he has been very quick with replies and other times a little slow but he has gotten back to me.

I once stuffed a BMW CAS2 and emailed him for help, lots of emails to him and he responded and came up with a solution that got me sorted. My overall experience with him has been good and since he helped me I now buy my Tango and AVDI modules from him to support him.

...maybe you speak his ****in language...

5th September, 2015, 02:00 PM
Maybe I just get him on a good day :)

5th September, 2015, 04:09 PM
I was about to place an order for tango and orange a few months back, i asked a few simple questions and got a load of attitude, at that point i cancelled my order and went elsewhere. What a strange way to run a business, never known a seller to give attitude prior to a sale, maybe after once i given over my money but not before :hmmmm2:

After my dealings with him i didn't feel so sad his tool got cloned

5th September, 2015, 07:55 PM
wow another guy sharing the same view.... didnt see that coming... :D

8th November, 2015, 01:28 PM
cant get over his attitude
i gave my mate his tool back and when he contacted him he got a load of slavver

thinks he planning a meet !!!!

8th November, 2015, 11:47 PM

vlado kljucar
19th December, 2015, 10:34 AM
HELLO to all my friend and all members, just to put here info and report about edilock (Voskan company) about they skype support.
One month ago i send them back orange5 to repair them, today i start the chat with him on skype: please take a look pictures of our conversation. Read careful part when he spoke about forum members, we are all stupid and idiot, I think his company live from us, from forum members,please if someone else have same experience to share, people need to see all bad things. He is not good man, when he spoke with customer on this way.

This is idiot, and his company is ~~~~ and thief cheater, his support is sh***T,

p.s he told me i will never see again my orange 5 can you bolieve this???
reason for this behavior is because i ask him is it hard to repair orange 5 1 month ago is sended, and he start to insult, i told him do not be angry , and rest you can read on attachment...

vlado kljucar
19th December, 2015, 10:36 AM
continue .............

19th December, 2015, 10:42 AM
I guess we are all just stupid? :(

vlado kljucar
19th December, 2015, 10:47 AM
yeeep my friend , we are stupid, we do not know anything, i have xxxxxeu into tools, and I never saw worst support than Voskan, he made money on us (stupid members) and his behaviour is one big zeroooo