View Full Version : ROVER 620ti IMMO OFF

1st October, 2015, 06:30 PM
I have a Rover 620ti 1995, ECU MENS MKC 101600E eprom 93c46.
I can see that there is many solutions to make immo off on rover mens ecu in DK, but mine is a little different
with 2 plug and 93c46 eprom is old type.

Is there some one who has succes with make immo off on this ecu ?

1st October, 2015, 10:26 PM
Here you go.
Program your eeprom 93c46 with the file attached and start the car.Don't forget to cut the ECU immo PIN i thing should be the pin #13 on the big socket

Best Regards

2nd October, 2015, 03:07 AM
Thanks m8, must it be programeres as 8 or 16 bit ?

3rd October, 2015, 10:00 PM
hi! why are you looking for immo off? ecu replacement or key lost? I've tried with generic files for Mems 1.9 inmo off, and no result in this particular ECU.

If keys are lost, you should read a Motorola hc05 from valeo immobox