View Full Version : 2011 E class 212 with unknown version ????

15th October, 2015, 04:01 PM
As the title suggests, I have done many of these but never had any unknown versions even on a 2014 plates using DP V4.94 also tried with V4.88 and swapped obd cable, but still getting the same message "Unknown Version".

I get the same message when selecting both Tacho and EZS "Unknown Version"

Is there a missing version or has something been replaced eg tacho or ezs in this car with another version.

I have done too many to remember but never had an unknown version before.

Any help will be much appreciated

15th October, 2015, 05:09 PM
Try another machine my pal has this with a w204 last week I did it with dp3 in end

15th October, 2015, 07:24 PM
Merc have been doing updates on the front Sam and ezs in there continuous clampdown on mileage manipulation