View Full Version : problem ezs w210 2105450308 1d69J

20th October, 2015, 08:06 AM
hi mates!
I have got a problem with this car and ezs. Always I readed, make key with skc, program key and run... I did many times.

This car you put key in ezs and nothing happens. d'ont open esl and not crank, nothing.

I maked keys .051, i haven't got any older key with .041 motorola
I wrotte key in nec, put key in ezs and ligth key bilnk. The car you can open and close with this key plip buttom ok!! but can't open ezs.
I wrotte other second key with .051 for be sure first key was good. But do the same. Ezs not open, only open close car with plip

Possibly ezs bad? hash in skc it's good.

I posted dump ezd 1d69j 2 processors

20th October, 2015, 09:01 AM
Did u checked all soldered point ? and clean very well?

sent from LG-G2

20th October, 2015, 11:10 AM
yes m8. I solder two times and appear all it's good.

Th car come here with this problem. With the key only open close. I thought problem was the key. I regenerate key but don't do nothing.

I can connect with diagnose with EZS, haven't got fail. but not with ecu because i can't put ignition on

20th October, 2015, 12:16 PM
If you cannot connect diag tool to ezs when the ezs is activated (like key inserted) one of your mcus is not working. How did you desolder the inner mcu ?

20th October, 2015, 05:44 PM
I'm with the car....

I have written 2 keys I read with ak500

key 1 fisrt use key blank small nec
key 3 first use key blank small nec

put key in ezs first time, red led in key blink always.
remove key and put second time key in ezs and red led in key it's on always, but nothing happens.

20th October, 2015, 05:55 PM
Hi. Damp EZS ok. Give dump key for verification.

20th October, 2015, 09:13 PM
Maybe esl is the problem, make it virgin to be sure. But post key files first

20th October, 2015, 11:47 PM
got the same problem.try everyting and the only solution was a new ezs.dont wast more time and find other ezs,make esl virgim and make ecu das ready and your done

21st October, 2015, 08:06 AM
Thanks to all for help.

here is keys by skc.

I'm thinking ezs it's broke. Can I buy any from scrap and change mcu 1d69j between them?
Or need virgin esl? virgin ecu? and synchronize by das?

I want do quickly job because spent more time :(

21st October, 2015, 09:09 AM
Just buy one with the same numbers. And DO NOT transfer mcus, read your eeproms and write into new Mcus. Cause ofthen is Mcu failure the reason that happened. Just clone it and all will be fine, no need for make anything else virgin

21st October, 2015, 03:48 PM
I can't find from scrap A2105450308 only find A2105450208 EZS, I have open unit and it's the same with 1D69J, car is from england, could be?

I'm going try clone. mc1 haven't got problems, but mcu2? need desolder points for open it? or do it carefully?
mcu2 it's dificult in this ezs.

21st October, 2015, 06:55 PM
Damp key ok.