View Full Version : UPA-USB won't change VIN on M35080???

9th November, 2015, 10:35 AM
I have just bought a China clone V1.3 UPA-USB to change the VIN on my cluster.
The software that came with it is Version 1.2 Build 1.13.
(Version 1.3r2 software doesn't work with the activation codes supplied).

I can read the M35080 out of circuit and write the mileage data (in the first 2 lines) back to it perfectly.
I can change the VIN and write back to the chip, all looks ok, but when I read the chip again VIN stays original and has not been changed.

Do I need different software, doesn't Version 1.2 work with M35080 ?
Maybe I must try to get Version 1.3r2 from somewhere ?
Or should I buy a blank chip and try to write that with Version 1.2 ?


Should I be using external power on the UPA-USB.... If so, what voltage and will I need to change any jumpers ?

captain crackers
9th November, 2015, 11:13 AM
You could buy a genuine UUP-S (The new UPA-USB). That will do the job! Arthur.

9th November, 2015, 11:46 AM
You could buy a genuine UUP-S (The new UPA-USB). That will do the job! Arthur.

I understand what you're saying (clones bad, genuine good) but it's a bit overkill as I only want to fix my own car before the UPA sits on a shelf for the next 10 years....

9th November, 2015, 12:41 PM

I had to use the "erase" option in the software, this set the M35080 to all "FF" except the first 2 lines which were mostly "00" except a few eroneous data which was previous mileage data.
When I then program my modified dump it worked perfectly.

I did use external power, however I don't think that had anything to do with my problem.
Saved the cost of a new chip! Happy days
