View Full Version : Renault Clio III - 8200 854 865 - Autoliv 610 79 61 00 bin needed

17th January, 2016, 08:42 PM

Renault Clio III - 8200 854 865 - Autoliv 610 79 61 00 bin needed, I could not dump correctly and after that i wrote another bin into it which did not worked.
Can someone help me with a generated bin for this type of airbag, please.


17th January, 2016, 11:00 PM
Here you go.pass pm.

17th January, 2016, 11:24 PM
Thanks, I will program it tomorrow and leave feedback. Thank you

18th January, 2016, 08:38 AM
Do I need to replace the VIN or it is not mandatory ?

18th January, 2016, 09:31 AM
virgin with your wine.

18th January, 2016, 03:30 PM
I write here, because I succeeded to clear the dump and the error message does not appear anymore on the dash.
The solution was, that the original dump must be written back to the 95640 eeprom memory, after it is cleared from crash data.
I tried to write other dump from different model or version provided by Pedjica(thank you for you efforts), it didn't worked.
Initially I was reading the 95640 with a Pickit2 programmer which by default saves as .hex and not .bin .
I opened picktit2 , loaded the read hex, and saved as .bin . After this cleared the dump from crash data, programmed back to 95640 eeprom and Voila ! It works !

the real solution was to not give up. never quit, or die trying ..

Hope these short lines helps someone to solve his own problems in the future,

Best regards.