View Full Version : PEUGEOT VIN TO PIN

21st January, 2016, 01:12 PM
need a source for cheap vin to pin peugeot if anybody can help as my peugeot pin reader is not pullimg pin on 2004 206 thank you.

21st January, 2016, 07:24 PM
prices around ?20 - whats cheap?

21st January, 2016, 09:13 PM
i thought the were cheaper today used peugeot pin reader on 2004 and would not pull pin as i think starts from 2004 onwards vehicle 2004 206 petrol .

21st January, 2016, 10:38 PM
if 20 quid too much (in my opinion save hassle and maybe few keys)
pass the cost to customer

other option
solder iron
this will pull any pin code

22nd January, 2016, 12:28 AM
if ?20 is too dear then you maybe do not charge enough for the job. most code brokers are between ?15 and ?30 for codes , but most round the ?20 mark on psa , IRC within the hour , autosecuritycodes.com ?18.50 , 3d group , nw keys , quite a few online even some on facebook , factor the cost into your quote as well as a token amount to future kit investment , these kits dont pay for themselves so you must make provision for an investment pot for the future upgrades.

on models that pin cant be extracted by obd then codes cost is a necessary evil unless you get the solder iron out and eeprom it , so if not getting by dump , then factor codes cost into your quote for the job , that way you get the job done , done quicker in 1 visit as not going back to it and still make your profit as get paid , quote a rate that covers you getting codes where needed and your problems are solved .

22nd January, 2016, 09:12 PM
sorted now bought code thank you