View Full Version : DoIP- next level of diagnostic

7th February, 2016, 03:30 PM
Hi Guys. This thread was provoked by interesting facts mentioned by Martin. Here is brief overview of DoIP- upcoming future in automotive industry. Might be interesting for members on this forum . You can share your thoughts and opinions.

7th February, 2016, 07:07 PM
dont get the big fuss about this, why would having wireless diagnostics mean doomsday for us?

It doesn't even matter if they totally remove key learning procedures.. the new renaults removed key learning and yet AVDI can still do them.

Probably will hurt the diagnostics guys more.

7th February, 2016, 08:14 PM
Thank you, Paul:). Didn't say doomsday is coming. But as far as I understand this system is open for getting more sofisticated so just a guess: would it be there key info control ( assuming car info data including different parameters would be stored and analyzed) and therefor some kind of restrictions for unauthorized changes? Once again this is just a guess and I can be totally wrong.

7th February, 2016, 08:28 PM
Agree with Paul_12345... Technology gets to where it is self-defeating at some point. All the talk about driverless cars, if that's the case, then no one would buy a car for its drivability features, any comfortable car would do, and if you take it far enough, why spend the money for a car when a cab would do Exactly the same thing. I'm not a Luddite, but I'm also not sure that advances in technology always are for the better.
In the case of safe lock technology, people are finding electronic locks aren't the sliced bread they thought they were, the electronic locks cannot come close to the reliability of the simple mechanical safe lock. With a mechanical lock, you can drown it, shock it, heat it, and it will still open for you. Try that with an electronic lock, you'll be paying me Big Bucks to drill your safe open.
Just a simple thing like a dead battery kills all the fancy technology that you can come up with, when you look at the modern auto. You want to make a real killing in this economic climate, sell second battery setups for cars. You won't have a shortage of customers.:stung:

7th February, 2016, 09:03 PM
Yes, I agree with you. But world is getting more and more sofisticated no matter if we like it or not. Progress at some point doesn't necessary means something good. Steps forth and back is what drives the things to balance. Thank you for your input:encouragement:

7th February, 2016, 11:03 PM
Yes, I agree with you. But world is getting more and more sofisticated no matter if we like it or not. Progress at some point doesn't necessary means something good. Steps forth and back is what drives the things to balance. Thank you for your input:encouragement:

it always has got more sophisticated just take ford, once upon a time no immo, then simple 4c transponder. Programming via timed access, then 4d and in-out code, smart keys, new in-out code etc.

Having online diagnostics does not secure the rest of the system anymore than it is now, maybe removing the OBD port would slow us down a little but theres always eprom or tapping the CAN lines etc. The truth is they could have stopped everyone years ago if they really wanted its really not that hard to use a proper secure MCU and a decent transponder.

I guess we have probably got about 4-5 years max before they stop even using keys and then probably another 5 years before its really not worth doing this work for most people.

8th February, 2016, 01:01 AM
I guess we have probably got about 4-5 years max before they stop even using keys and then probably another 5 years before its really not worth doing this work for most people.

I think your on the right lines Paul. I suspect before long they will start using biometrics. "Never loose your keys again". They could implement a system that uses a leave at home master key to add and remove drivers.

8th February, 2016, 01:48 AM
I think your on the right lines Paul. I suspect before long they will start using biometrics. "Never loose your keys again". They could implement a system that uses a leave at home master key to add and remove drivers.

Dont even need a master key mate, master driver biometrics who can add people to the system... will make programming lost key situations a bit morbid.

8th February, 2016, 01:53 AM
It'll be a long time before cars dont have a mechanical ( Key ) way of getting in a car with a flat battery or a large electrical fault... We aren't going away anywhere fast. as fast as the carmakers advance, so do the aftermarket follow.

How long did it take for AVDI to overcome the JLR "security update on the key programming"

There's 30 million cars in the uk with keys so theres a few each to go at

8th February, 2016, 01:55 AM
Hi Guys. This thread was provoked by interesting facts mentioned by Martin. Here is brief overview of DoIP- upcoming future in automotive industry. Might be interesting for members on this forum . You can share your thoughts and opinions.
Systems like this have been out for years in the diagnostics in the plant game on terex tr100s ive seen similar tech and also CAT think its called cat link or cdl.. they still need us!

9th February, 2016, 01:44 PM
i think is total nonsense when do car manufacture realise a car is just a car not a airplane and what is the point of making cars harder to fix half of the dealers they have not clue fixing cars eletronics diagnostics and key programming all they want you is sell a

car then charge you 1000 pounds for a key and 500 pounds for a service these people experts so called need their brain examined too much electronic parts that do not work and that are not reliable enough just look at the vag group my friend works for them

they have book full of faults which cannot fix, for a example for new ford fiesta new 2015 car stopped 10 times whithin 3 months ford ad to get a diagnostic from germany to uk to fix and what was the fault a faulty switch they should invest more in trouble finding

and not making things harder thank you.

9th February, 2016, 02:22 PM
With regards vehicle security you will find that its the insurers demanding more from the car manufacturers and forcing the changes .
after all with so many buying clone kit from china and posting how to info and videos on you tube , security in there eyes is being compramised , the insurers will blame this as a factor in increases in car crime and want these doors closed , what the insurers want they get .

of course dealers and manufacturers dont really mind , as see money in it for them too , they dont want to stop you fixing cars and selling keys , instead they want you to have to pay them to be able to do so , so they earn from the aftermarket and of course they want to increase the use of their equipment over chinese equipment .

its all about money , insurers money and manufacturers money , thats the incentive , increased security for the user is just a benefit of this and not the crucial factor.

its a constant battle and why the trade is expensive to keep up with , some clever bods will find work arounds and profit from new kit releases at some point , then the cycle begins again , the short sighted will again flood you tube with videos , give it all away online and the chinese will clone the new developments until its all forced to change again , its not the 1st major change and wont be the last its just part of the ever running game .

9th February, 2016, 02:52 PM
Also surely wont be too long before all these systems start failing on a large scale with massive repair bills.

Then just hoping that some manufacturers or even China seize the chance to start making cheaper more basic cars.

13th March, 2016, 11:05 PM

DK member drakov mentioned sonething ladt year, been trying
to takk to @smmt about it, they ignored my emaiks/tweets then blicked me on twitter