View Full Version : read 8 or 16 bits?

7th February, 2016, 11:15 PM
Hello how can we know if we have to read in 8 or 16 bits?

Thank you

7th February, 2016, 11:23 PM
Just read your files in both 8 and 16 bit,and save them.It will become apparent then...

7th February, 2016, 11:36 PM
Just read your files in both 8 or 16 bit Omega, Orange....

And 16 bit and 8 bit dumps, will be similar !

8th February, 2016, 02:32 AM
golgalv that is only true when the chip is read correctly, you read an 8 bit micro as 16 bit and you get doubled bytes, read a 16 bit as 8 bit and you lose data,

What golgalv is talking about is that the orange programmer uses a different "edianess" compared to all the other tools by default, meaning values stored as 16 bit appear with the least significant byte on the right, so 12345 = 0x3039 in orange, while in others it can appear as 0x3930, note that this doesn't matter in the slightest as most bits of software let you set this, as its purely a display option.

if your just using scripts, the script author should have written it for how the file will be read, so equally no concern,

As for knowing that you have read a file correctly, DK is littered with dumps, just search for yours and compare,

8th February, 2016, 02:45 AM
As for knowing that you have read a file correctly, DK is littered with dumps, just search for yours and compare,

Unfortunately a lot don't, they read in 8 bit when it should be 16 bit, inexperienced people try and correct the file for them, they write it back and the eeprom is corrupted.

Seen it too many times, and most times even writing the original back as 8 bit won't help.

If people are going to correct files, they need to know the difference between a good read and a bad read instead of blindly changing them. Tons of posts where the file was read wrong, caught in time by someone that actually knows what a good file looks like and successfully corrected. Then there are the ones that aren't and the OP is searching for a good dump or a new dash.