View Full Version : Renault Master 2001 2.8 immo problem

24th February, 2016, 11:42 AM

Car doesn't read the key, red immo light on the dash is still on. Key was checked on a machine and the transponder is OK. Coil at the ignition lock is OK (5 ohm), voltage is present 12V, wiring seems to be OK but in immo parameters there's no confirmation of the key. I've checked immo box and it looks ok.
What you suggest to do with it to fix problem? Any way to off it by dump from 93c46? Swam immo box?

Thanks for help

24th February, 2016, 01:00 PM
I would like to fix it electronically, without destroying pump coded valve shield if possible. Looking for some advices.

24th February, 2016, 01:49 PM
Check wiring near starter for corrosion. Also check fuses behind glove-box.

24th February, 2016, 03:21 PM
Fusues ok, wiring ok. Don't want to fight with valve, a lot of elements to remove...