View Full Version : Audi A8 kessy problems!!!

10th March, 2016, 08:54 PM

My Audi A8 kessy was water damaged and when I try to read it with FVDI it doesn't show VIN/PIN/IMMO number.
I have an used Kessy but the last letter is C instead of Kx of my original one.

I don't have the old Kessy emprom as it is damaged and tried connect the new kessy after changing the VIN number same with the old one.
Read the ECU and got the car pin.
Cannot make the car start even after tried many dumps found here in the forum(some said they were virgins).

Anyone can share a virgin dump for 4E0910131 C/Kx?

Thanks in advance masters.


12th March, 2016, 08:28 PM
Dear Masters please help me with a dump for 4E0919131 Kx type of kessy.
Audi A8 4.0 TDI 2004 year.
Water damaged the kessy and I cannot start it.
I tried to switch the emprom from the spare kessy to the new one but still not starting.
This car is killing me.
The ECU eprom is attached here and may someone give me the pin for it as when i try the dump tool for FVDI gives me a pin that the ECU doesn't accept.

Please help.

Thanks in advance.