View Full Version : Need viriginize e2p ecu Mini 1.6d

27th March, 2016, 10:12 PM
Hi guys, I need virginize e2p 95640 of ecu dde 6 edc16c35 of Mini 1.6d automatic gearbox, this car has ecu broken and cannot read in bdm the flash and e2p, I have find an used ecu of mini 16d edc16c35 but with mechanic gearbox, I have programmed and codign ecu with istaP, but now I have always 1 error ews between ecu dde and cas, istaD not syncronize cas-dde

29th March, 2016, 04:55 PM
swap e2p 95640 or post readed e2p from old ecu

29th March, 2016, 09:44 PM
with old ecu I cannot read it with bdm, I have error