View Full Version : Chicken boboli

26th August, 2009, 01:53 PM
You need to slice the filet's into mouth kind pieces.

You make a marinade off;
Half the bottle of the ravigotte sauce (about 2 dl).
Chopped garlic, 1 ts curry, paprika and a pinch of timian.
Have a ts sugar and taste too with salt and pepper.
Remember to always taste too, so you know it have the right taste that you think it should be)

Lay the chicken pieces in the marinade for about 15 min or more if you need.
Make ready the salad.

After the time in the marinade, pan fry the chicken til its done all the way through. Just pore all the marinade with the chicken in the pan.
Turn the oven on 200c fan forced. Drissel a bit of mozzerella cheese on the boboli bread and have it in the oven for about 2-4 min. Do it just before the pan fried the chicken is done.

Serve with fresh salad and garlic dressing. =D
Enjoy with a half sweetend white wine. Like JB Riesling 2007.