View Full Version : Why is a new virgin pcf7936 locked?

29th June, 2016, 06:40 PM
Hi guys!!
Customer towed in a 2006 honda civic 1.8i none start.I saw green key light flashing...car starts and cuts out..I tested key in zedbull clone and determined it was faulty..I ordered new pcf7936 virgin...when I take the new chip and read with zedbull clone it says locked...?
Why would a brand new virgin chip be locked??? I tried to code the new chip to car with skp900 but it fails..tried 4 different chips and all are locked and fail to code...am I missing something?

30th June, 2016, 01:38 PM
Go stalk lupu sandu think he had same problem

was love you longtime china key.

try editing dump