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View Full Version : Peugeot 207 AC ECU issue

4th August, 2016, 06:59 PM
Hi guys,

I'm having trouble with an AC climate control panel - it will not issue AC compressor start command.
I tested the car with Lexia and foud:
- low&high pressure sensors - ok
- all buttons on panel work
- relay works and engages clutch in actuator test
- BSI and Relay module gives authorisation
- AC ecu does not give authorisation to start even though AC button is pressed

I see no evident damage on the PCB of the AC panel. What could be the deal?

4th August, 2016, 09:25 PM
Hi, do you have any dtc's ?

5th August, 2016, 05:40 PM
wel first we need mor info, what engine , what inyection, ussualy when ecu don give the OK its from two things pressure from A/A or temp from water, if bsi gives authorisation, then te problem is in the ecu, could be one parameter, or telecode, hows come up the problem?

6th August, 2016, 03:11 AM
Thanks for your answers. I get no fault codes regarding AC. The car is peugeot 207cc with 1.6l gasoline.
It has - Climate control - so on the dash it's got the "AC ECU". This is the part that is not giving authorisation. Pressure in the system is ok.