View Full Version : Kodi menu setup walkthrough

9th August, 2016, 09:01 PM
I made this idiots guide to setting up the Kodi menus for part of my family. A very small part of my generally retarded family. I'm now getting requests from ebay users, but ebay don't allow links on reviews... so I'm putting it here.

It doesn't cover how to install addons. Just the menu setup from start to finish.

Hope it's useful...



This link is broken and there were issues when trying to update it. Uploaded the file as a PDF a little lower down

Not sure if the images are working... which makes this almost useless.. I'll have another look at it.

Yet another link to try.... https://docs.google.com/document/d/0B02HCMyrEjk0TFd6ZEN6ZWFiZlE/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=104308657680534648967&resourcekey=0-moTym7qvIo_-tH3SydvvAA&rtpof=true&sd=true

24th November, 2016, 12:30 PM
Thanks Canker - Stickied!!!

4th February, 2022, 07:12 PM
After much swearing... Uploaded walk through as a PDF.