View Full Version : Noob question

28th October, 2016, 03:25 AM
Good morning !

Sorry for my "stupid" question but i have a dp4 so i can modify my dump when i extract with the dp4 but i would like to know how to change km in dump posted by DK users for help them with my dp4

Can i do this with Dp4 or it's necessary to do with another soft like hex editor for example?

I don't know if my question is clear :nevreness:

28th October, 2016, 07:31 AM
Find NYO4 Software, choose your car and load your file. The software will detect mileage, right click on your file and change it.That's all.

28th October, 2016, 07:38 AM
you need to load file on eprom , change it with dp4, then read it again and save it . So you need to have spare eproms 93c.... 24c... and others.
Is that what you are asking?

28th October, 2016, 11:51 AM
Yes nebojsapejcic that's what i asked, i had this idea and you confirmed it so i will buy a bach of spare eproms.

28th October, 2016, 08:40 PM
And also you can find ETSmart software with calculators...i think you can find it here on DK... I agree with mr. nebojsapejcic about spare eeproms,it's "must have" for this kind of work, but it's bit tricky when it comes to mcu-s...