View Full Version : I need immo off BMW M3 5WK9025 DME MSS 50 14037009

5th December, 2016, 03:16 PM
Necesito immo fuera de esta ECU BMW M3 5WK9025 DME MSS 50 14037009 FLASHAB28F200 Ews fall?

Muchas gracias

5th December, 2016, 06:08 PM
hi no screen printing so working with the connector away
and the 28f200 close to me i have named them bm1 which is to the left and bm2 which is to the right
attached please find the dumps

It cost me a lot to find the location of each flash

thanksIt cost me a lot to find the location of each flash

6th December, 2016, 10:24 AM
Anyone have the solution?

thank you very much
Anyone have the solution?

9th December, 2016, 01:42 AM
any solution? I'm still in trouble

thank you very much

9th December, 2016, 06:25 AM

try this write it to the one in left side reflash chip bridge starter circiut on ews relay there are the two bigger wires in ews
please post
check pm

9th December, 2016, 09:25 AM
Thank you very much, I'll comment later

Thank you very much, I'll comment later

9th December, 2016, 08:27 PM
[Cita = eeddyy23; 2907531] [attach] 414498 [/ attach]

prueba this Escribir una La Izquierda En Una volver a actualizar Lado Circiut Puente de chips de Arranque Del RelE EWS estan los Dos cables Mas Grandes en EWS
favorecen Publicar
cheque pm [/ quote]

ok perfecto de trabajo 1000 gracias