View Full Version : Virgin Toyota Immobilizer ECU 89780-60100 needed, all keys lost :-((

2nd January, 2017, 09:49 PM
Good evening knowledgable members.

Lost the keys of my 2000 Land Cruiser HDJ100 VX due to a fire.
Got new keys from the dealer from the original Toyota key code but according to them I need to buy a new immobilizer box.
Right, but it is in back-order till at least 18 March 2017.
So I can unlock my car now and crank it but security light keep flashing of course.

Had some electronica experience and build myself a serial eprom reader on a bread board.
I think I have a valid dump of the 93lc66, I will upload it here.

Could somebody confirm this is a valid dump?

Could somebody generate a virgin file to write onto the 93lc66?

Best regards from the Netherlands and a wonderful 2017!


2nd January, 2017, 09:56 PM
good dump
use zedbull or effi
93c66 8pin, 512 Bytes
ID: 4C
Transponder Type: JMA TPX1, Silca EH2
Transponder is ready to start the vehicle

2nd January, 2017, 10:39 PM
Thank you Doctore, good to know the dump is okay.

But I do not completely understand Zed Bull. I don't know the effi.
As far as I know the Zed Bull is to copy transponders. You first have to know the original/registered transponder code/ID to program it on a glass chip?
Or can Zed Bull indeed read the bin-file and generate a working transponder clone from the dump?

2nd January, 2017, 10:59 PM
i can write when you upload your dump in softwer zedbull or effi and transponder programing button click i write from file to chip 4c, do you understand now.:stung:

2nd January, 2017, 11:09 PM
Maybe you find locksmith in your area. Who can help you out.
To add key to dump. With some kind of tool.
Since you already done quite much yourself, already.
I think that is the fastest way to get it to run.

3rd January, 2017, 12:21 AM
Thank you Doctore, good to know the dump is okay.

But I do not completely understand Zed Bull. I don't know the effi.
As far as I know the Zed Bull is to copy transponders. You first have to know the original/registered transponder code/ID to program it on a glass chip?
Or can Zed Bull indeed read the bin-file and generate a working transponder clone from the dump?

I think also you need follow Wedsel3 advise. I can add this is the fatest and cheapest way to make starting your car.
If you dammage your immo system, it will cost you more than making keys. (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/member.php/377964-Weasel3) (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/member.php/377964-Weasel3)

4th January, 2017, 01:30 PM
Here is the virgin dump, but I still think it is best you listen to others advise, find a local locksmith would do the job safer and no hassle. Also should not cost you much as you have done most of the job. Should only take him few minutes to insert your key into your file

5th January, 2017, 12:42 AM
Thank you so much for your help so far.
I will contact local locksmiths tomorrow and keep you informed.

11th January, 2017, 11:27 PM
I did understand from your posts that the best way is to write a transponder from the dump. Thanks again for that.

Tried a lot of locksmith's in the Netherlands. No one is capable of writing from dump file to an EH2 or TPX1. They all use Silca systems.

So I decided to purchase a mini zedbull clone with EFfi 2.7.2 on Ebay and a Silca key with EH2 from a local locksmith and give it a try myself.

No luck so far :ahhhhh:

I connected the Zedbull to my computer, installed the USB-Serial Port drivers, opened and setup EFfi on right port and did a check to communicate with Zedbull. All OK.
In EFfi "Keymaker" tab I click "Open File Dump" and select my 89780-60100 bin file. EFfi gives good feedback and finds 3 keys.
I click "Transponder Programming" With EH2 chip upright in Zedbull, I hear a click and writing starts untill message "Wrong data" is displayed.
I read EH2 chip and read: DATA: 7E24A7077F6B9F00000BB57E0000 TYPE:4C TEXAS WR.
I try key with transponder in the car but security light keeps blinking, no start.
I click "Key to Dump" in EFfi and get message "Wrong data".

What is going wrong? Corrupt file? Corrupt EFfi?

26th January, 2017, 12:18 PM
Just a little update and to give the appropriate big thumbs up

I was not able to find someone to produce the transponders nor did I manage to do it myself. Still not sure why.
So I decided to virginize the ECU with the dump from Bigkey. Worked like a charm. Thanks again!

14th March, 2022, 11:47 PM
And how do you have learned the keys