View Full Version : VW CC - Swapping Instrument Clusters need to change Mileage. EEPROM?

11th January, 2017, 10:16 PM
Hoping someone can help.

Some months back I sold an Instrument Cluster (3c8-920-980-T) to a friend of mine (B6 guy) and I installed a (3C8-920-980-M) cluster on my B7.

We've both been driving around these clusters for a while, that the mileage/KM's are locked and can't be altered.

As it turns out, the model he has (Ending in "T") is actually the Cluster I need.... and the model I have (Ending in "M") is the one he needs to enable full functionality on both vehicles.

Will having the PIN for both sets of Clusters allow me to change the mileage (swap the mileage)? Can this be done by getting dumps of the EEPROM's?
I have EEPROM tools, and an AVDI (but i do not have the right licenses for AVDI). If I were to provide both dumps of the EEPROM could the pin be extracted? If the PIN won't do me any good, is there someone who might be able to help me swap the mileage or reset the cluster EEPROM to allow me to swap the mileage?

Appreciate the help!

18th January, 2017, 04:38 PM
dont do that ...buy the licence and do it right ,or u will pay the school fees !

21st January, 2017, 09:23 AM
If mileage doesnt go through OBD you must do Service Mode of eeprom and than you do it OBD. But OBD only !!!!!

23rd January, 2017, 06:39 AM
post both dumps 24c64