View Full Version : all blackhole have kodi?

20th January, 2017, 03:33 PM
do all blackhole images have kodi on them?

20th January, 2017, 06:41 PM
do all blackhole images have kodi on them?

i flashed a vu duo for a mate, and the latest bh image did not have kodi installed
but this is a very old vu model, it makes you wonder if all the older boxes dont have kodi
have you asked on their community about it?

20th January, 2017, 09:37 PM
Dont hold me to this but i am pretty sure that the Blackhole image with full blown Kodi only support there higher end receivers such as the Solo2,Duo2,Solo 4K,Ultimo 4K, Uno 4K possibly due to them having far superior dual core 1.3ghz processors and faster

21st January, 2017, 03:09 PM
Add solo se and solo se v2 to that list digicon and yes only the boxes with superior processors are capable of running kodi smoothly.

21st December, 2017, 12:16 PM
What's the best price on a good clone anyone try one?

27th December, 2017, 06:48 PM
I think that in matter of clones that accept Kodi you have the VU+ Solo2 (they had produced some Duo2 Clones but never seen one). So... Solo2 clone, but be carefull, use only images built for the clone brand you have if Solo2. For older clones, Solo/Duo/Uno the Ferrari images are fine.


What's the best price on a good clone anyone try one?