View Full Version : Mercedes W210 EIS fault

5th March, 2017, 02:55 AM

I have aproblem which goes on for a while and i can not find a solution. This is a 2001 E200 compressor.
The job was to add a key, and i removed the EIS and removed MCU2 read it on Ak400.
I put the mcu back generated new keys with SKC but now the original key doesn't turn and the new key doesnt turn either.
Central locking works. I put ESL emulator in i can turn the key with another ESK key set, but all i can get hold of is old W208 versions and i can not match them to the ECU though i renew the ECU.
I went trough the Original ESL and checked every connection but i can not see where it went wrong.
If i connect it on the table with emulator it takes 30mA on the PSU and when i insert the key it take 80mA.
The key led is on when key inserted.
ANy ideas???
Im pulling my hair out and the customer is on my back



5th March, 2017, 08:00 AM
Hey. Try number keys 2,3,4,7.

5th March, 2017, 09:16 AM
Thx for the tip i've tried all of them but they all do the same, remote works but i cant turn the key

5th March, 2017, 09:28 AM
Show dumps key that you wrote down. Key MCU, NEC ?

5th March, 2017, 10:03 AM
here they are

5th March, 2017, 11:19 AM
№ 2,3,4 - ок. №7 - 00 00 00.

5th March, 2017, 09:48 PM
however non of them working

6th March, 2017, 06:41 AM
Clean the PCB, if flux there, issues arise.

6th March, 2017, 10:45 PM
I have moved the mcu to another board
no differece always clean flux off with alcohol

6th March, 2017, 11:07 PM
Thx for the tip i've tried all of them but they all do the same, remote works but i cant turn the key

Except for key6 everything looks normal.You can't turn the key this means problem is in EIS. read the faults and the actual values from the EIS and post them here

7th March, 2017, 01:18 PM
Hello Guys,

Ive got the car going. The major mistake of mine was that i tried to get a 210xxxx EZS working with ESL emulator. Dont know why but it wouldnt work. The 208xxxx EZS works fine no matter which mcu i connect it to the key turns but the newer version wont at least i dont know how. Instead i had an ESL reset which i couldnt reset with AK400 it read both mcu in the ESL but couldnt write it so removed the 2 mcu found renewed data and of we go went.
If anyone knows how to connect emulator to those newer EZS please enligth me.

Thank you for all those inputs and help.