View Full Version : 2006 Mercedes W251 Engine computer swap. Where is immo chip?

21st March, 2017, 04:59 AM
Hi guys, I need your help cloning this 2006 Mercedes Benz W251 engine computer.

I already swapped the 29f400 but it still won't start. The main MCU is an infineon. I read the 9516w on the back but the content didn't look important so I didn't swap. And I didn't see any obvious BDM pad either....

A 1131539579
Hw 04.05
0 261 201 162

Where is it??? Any help is appreciated!


21st March, 2017, 05:04 AM
ME 2.8 eeprom sp8c3

21st March, 2017, 07:00 AM
Is at the back

21st March, 2017, 07:13 AM
the content didn't look important ........ :D:D:D

21st March, 2017, 07:40 AM
i know your trying to clone, but i have a virgin file for this ecu...can you initialize with star?

Hi guys, I need your help cloning this 2006 Mercedes Benz W251 engine computer.

I already swapped the 29f400 but it still won't start. The main MCU is an infineon. I read the 9516w on the back but the content didn't look important so I didn't swap. And I didn't see any obvious BDM pad either....

A 1131539579
Hw 04.05
0 261 201 162

Where is it??? Any help is appreciated!


21st March, 2017, 02:37 PM
the content didn't look important ........ :D:D:D

VERY FUNNY :girlshoite:
i'm going to swap 9516w.

If that doesn't work, I can use your help to virgin it. i think Autel or Launch can initialize it. Or my friend has a very overpriced Autologic.

21st March, 2017, 07:30 PM
Ok, job done!

Here's what happened. The chip is marked 9516W so naturally I read it as 95160 in UPA. It read with no error and there were some data but nothing that looked important. If you know what I mean. haha

But now I looked again, the chip is also marked 35p08. So I looked around upa and tried to read as st95p08. Now it looks like immo data!!

Thanks for all your help!

21st March, 2017, 08:06 PM
Ok, job done!

Here's what happened. The chip is marked 9516W so naturally I read it as 95160 in UPA. It read with no error and there were some data but nothing that looked important. If you know what I mean. haha
But now I looked again, the chip is also marked 35p08. So I looked around upa and tried to read as st95p08. Now it looks like immo data!!
Thanks for all your help!

great discovery :D

21st March, 2017, 10:48 PM
who did worse? Me or Christopher Columbus?