View Full Version : Multidiag pro OR Autel AL619

23rd May, 2017, 04:27 AM
Im building a wishlist to order some cloned tools (carprog, xprog, kess, etc) from china once I save some money, and I wanted to buy some scan tool too, I only own some cheap elm327 devices now. I was thinking between these two:


So what is your opinion about these two tools? Which one would you get? The autel looks like it can clear ABS/SRS codes, which is nice, but the other one has those extra cables that makes it look like it would have a wider coverage. If you want to recommend a different tool do so too, but it must be from the same store since I need everything to be shipped in a single package.

Something worth mentioning, I am not a professional, I just own a few cars, which I sell and buy others often, and I like to work on them myself.

24th May, 2017, 01:53 AM
My honest opinion is to get the TCS CDP with the newest available software for it. It's much cheaper and the functionality is superb, even unmatched. Every mechanic in Sweden has one, and you will always have support here if you need help, because it's a GREAT tool, a must-have. I would recommend the bluetooth version because it makes it all smoother. The "dongle" gets its power from the OBD Port anyway and makes everything just more comfortable.

(Deleted link because of rules) (This is just an example, I am not promoting the seller)

Also, dont be fooled with the tools claiming to "clear SRS and ABS", they support just a few select vehicles and are best left alone. Ask anyone in here and they will tell you the same. And I am pretty sure that the majority in here would advise you to get the delphi tool instead of the ones you linked to.