View Full Version : 2004 toyota hilux d4d

24th May, 2017, 02:21 PM
hey guys,

i'm from aruba....i just bought a toyota hilux d4d but the car has problems

it won't start...the previous owner spend lots of money on this car

to me it looks like the anti theft block the ecu...i also saw he bought a new immo

but all these things i don't know much of it....

ecu number 89666-35280.

also the car has like 3 year standing still

any help what can i do?

24th May, 2017, 03:22 PM
First connect interface and diagnose car to know from what point start - we don't know it is ecu, immo or some else problem

24th May, 2017, 04:33 PM
ok i just did that today waiting the result from the company that does the programming

30th May, 2017, 12:57 PM
hello, the car is still at the company that do programming for keys but still they didn't figur out how to do it

but the problem is the key as they diagnose it... also i went to toyota and they told me i have to buy a new ecu with all the keys, switch etc

because they told me they can't program the ecu if i lost the original key....

also the company that is trying to program it told me that they just need to program the keys with the immobilizer

but to me it has to program it in the ecu also?

sry for stupid question...like i say i don't know nothing of these anti theft system

can any one help me?


30th May, 2017, 02:38 PM
If i remember good keys are stored in immo box which is paired with ecu. Maybe you need just sync immo-ecu?

30th May, 2017, 06:06 PM
the problem is previous owner lost the keys and also he bought a new immo box

30th May, 2017, 07:05 PM
Try procedure from this site

30th May, 2017, 08:23 PM
ok thnks i will try it

30th May, 2017, 10:12 PM
When you ask for help it is necessary to provide most of the possible data to know which vehicle we are talking about, diesel or gasoline, engine series and others.
In any case publish the VIN number of the vehicle

31st May, 2017, 12:16 AM
ok, this is a 2004 toyota hilux d4d model kdn170 diesel with 2kd engine,

ecu number 89666-35280

vin# jtfws796x00009638