View Full Version : Wtf Tachosoft? Need helping on odometer, 07 Chrysler 300, have dump.

25th May, 2017, 03:59 AM
I can read and write without problem.

I load up Tachosoft, which has never failed me in the past, but this time it's giving me 8 addresses as the example that tells you where and what to change. The only problem is that it's only giving me 5 lines to change, I tried changing the first five, then the last five, mixing them up. Every time I test, the odometer does change, but to the correct number. After I flash and test in-vehicle, I verified the data that I wrote is unchanged.

This is a 2007 Chrysler 300
It's rockin a 9S12DG256 motorola HC12 MCU
The original, unchanged eeprom dump is 108,516
It needs to read ~85,108 to be correct

I am willing to paypal $5 If anyone can edit this bin for me to read the correct mileage.
(please confirm via PM with me before sending452292 so that I don't end up with 10 people sending me a bin and expecting a paypal :P)

P.S. I know where the thanks button is!! :)

25th May, 2017, 04:47 AM
Original hours 4457

Give this a go......

Done manually, no script or software :)

25th May, 2017, 05:02 AM
By hand? That is some seriously pro shit right there, testing now!

25th May, 2017, 05:12 AM
:roflmao: Just simple math. Dodge algorithms have been discussed at length here if you search for it.

25th May, 2017, 05:20 AM
Well shit, 85,767 miles. I couldn't ask for that to have went any better. Apart the past few hours I lost googling, hah.

I hadn't thought of searching along those lines, you make a great point.

If your up to PM'ing me a paypal, I would love to buy you a beer, or six.

Thank you!

25th May, 2017, 05:22 AM
:hmmmm2: Must work on accuracy of that calculation, should have been closer. +-600 miles isn't great.

25th May, 2017, 05:24 AM
That's pretty much as close as tachosoft ever gets.

Impressed the hell outta' me.