View Full Version : Twingo 2000 IR looking for virgin dump

eric paris
29th July, 2017, 11:47 AM

For a twingo 2000 IR remote, l search a virgin dump for the receptor in the roof
it's a 93c06 or 93c46 eeprom

thanks :-)

29th July, 2017, 08:06 PM
What is your problem? I think receptor in roof is same on ewery car. Look for infra diode for bad solder or broken leg. I know procedure to learn keys for twingo, but in most cases is bad infra led.

eric paris
30th July, 2017, 12:12 PM
my remote is dead , l find two remote from an other twingo and l like code it on my car
it's ok for me , l virgin the 93c46 and l can code the second hand two remote , work fine