View Full Version : Digiprog touch screen problem

16th September, 2017, 12:44 AM
I recently removed the marked 74HC125 from digiprog to test something on another device:


Then I put it back in digiprog, but now when I turn it on, the touch screen is not working. Is this chip even related to the touch screen?

I peeled the contacts on the touch screen, where the flat cable meets the screen, and using a multimeter I checked it, all the 4 points from the board have 0 ohms with the screen. Also tried reflowing the big ST chip, still not working.

What else can I try?

16th September, 2017, 03:52 AM
try resolder!

16th September, 2017, 08:05 AM
Would do but, unit looks like this now, haven't touched anything since my first post, it was working (without touch screen), came back after a few hours and tried to turn it on:


So I guess I have to solve that problem first now. I read that replacing the two CY7C1049D or the STC15F101W could fix it, so I'll see if I can get those, or just buy a new one, but it would be cool to fix this one too.

3rd December, 2022, 01:26 AM
hello my friend half of the touchscreen doesn't work for me either you solved the problem thank you