View Full Version : Audi A6 Radio Receiver component protection

4th October, 2017, 03:25 AM
i have used radio receiver out of 2007 A6 part number 4F0035541L but i don't have gateway module out of the same car, is it possible to make this receiver functioning again?? remove component protection or make it virgin again, by a dump or any other way.

4th October, 2017, 06:47 AM
Find someone with AVDI with active funktion COMPONENT PROTECTION.

4th October, 2017, 06:54 AM
Or alternatively take it to the dealers

4th October, 2017, 02:36 PM
i have vvdi2 witch is almost the same as avdi with component protection removal option, but to do so tool needs a dump out of gateway, and without gateway tool can't do anything.
yes dealer is going to be my option if i can't find anything else.

8th October, 2017, 05:28 AM
problem solved
first i did a mistake, i was looking for component protection for radio receiver (address 56) witch doesn't use one.
my component protection was in amplifier (address 47), but amplifier was original form very same vehicle and never been replaced, but it was still setting code "component protection active" and not functioning properly.
reason for this error was incorrect coding of gateway (address 19), as soon as coding for gateway was fixed everything went back to normal.