View Full Version : Ford pump coding

8th November, 2017, 05:10 PM
Hi mates, i have a focus 99 cant start engine. Another workshop has changed engine and say change old pump and fitted into "new" engine. But cant start.

I need recode used pump but i dont know how i can do.

I have fvdi but i cant find any option to do.
I have avdi partialy activated ford but i cant find any option to do.
I have elm327 usb adapter to use with any software.

i appreciate any help

8th November, 2017, 05:12 PM
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-Super-OBD2-Diagnostic-Scanner-FORD-VCM-CableFORD-VCM-OBD-For-FORD-Mazda-CNP-Ford/32800206633.html?spm=2114.search0302.3.2.Znl67Q&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_0_10073_10 171_10152_10151_10536_10557_10537_10539_10055_1015 4_10550_10552_10056_10155_10551_10059_10312_10554_ 10553_10314_10534_10313_10533_10060_10084_100031_1 0083_10107_10304_10307_10341_10561_10065_10142_103 40_10068_10343_10541_10342_10562_10301_10345_10103 _10102_10344,searchweb201603_0,ppcSwitch_0&algo_pvid=ea1b5537-d552-480c-8acf-87766419464d&algo_expid=ea1b5537-d552-480c-8acf-87766419464d-0 Focom and kts , you can buy focom it is 10 euro

8th November, 2017, 11:08 PM
The option on AVDI is "module initialisation" this works fine for the majority of module alignments though never tried it on vp44. IDS or Focom as mentioned would do it.

J1850 required.

8th November, 2017, 11:57 PM
focom what interface use?

can i use focom or ids with passtrough of avdi?