View Full Version : software for reading and analysing crash data

13th December, 2017, 03:54 AM
hi all

ive got a friend who works at an insurance shop and they are always paying people to retrieve the crash data from a car
that had an accident so they can look at the info t see what happened during the crash

does anyone know where to buy the legal software to read the crash data so the insurance shop can analyse it

they understand it will cost a lot of money and are willing to pay for it cause each time they get some other company
to read and analyse the crash data it costs them 2000 dollars per car


13th December, 2017, 04:20 AM
mm What?
Is knowing that it was in the car possible?...
How to know if the car was crashed, against what, that direction, that sounds strange to me...
the normal scanner says example. collision or impact, front detonators, driver side deployed and thing like that ...
"I still do not understand" "it's a joke"

13th December, 2017, 04:47 AM
a friend works for a big car insurance company and some bad car crashes the car has to get tested
to find out what speed it was doing at crash and all types of info

he has to pay for a person from another company who has certain software to come and plug into the car and read the data
of what the car was doing for the 2 seconds or so before the crash
it might cost them 100000 dollars every year to pay these other companies to do this

so he asked me to try find out if there is software his company can buy that will get this info
as over afew years it will pay for itself

sorry I'm not sure what the info is called but I think car crash analysing data might sound ok

13th December, 2017, 05:10 AM
I'm basically after software that will talk to cars ecu and tell me all the info of what the car was doing just before impact
like road speed
engine revs
g forces
etc etc etc
the insurance company needs to get this info out of the car after a bad accident so they can see what happened and they they can decide who is at fault

it needs to analyse the vehicle data
I don't want to reset the info I need t read it and find out what went wrong

13th December, 2017, 05:36 AM
Only if there was a 'BLACK BOX' installed otherwise I dont know of any software to analyse a crash event

13th December, 2017, 05:41 AM
ok thanks I know they pay a lot of money every year to get someone to do it
so he asked me to look around to see if I can find where to buy it
so I thought I would see on here if anyone knows about it

thanks for the info

13th December, 2017, 06:02 AM
ok thanks I know they pay a lot of money every year to get someone to do it
so he asked me to look around to see if I can find where to buy it
so I thought I would see on here if anyone knows about it

thanks for the info

Something like this


13th December, 2017, 06:09 AM
mm What?
Is knowing that it was in the car possible?...
How to know if the car was crashed, against what, that direction, that sounds strange to me...
the normal scanner says example. collision or impact, front detonators, driver side deployed and thing like that ...
"I still do not understand" "it's a joke"

This is just data regular scanners see...there is a lot more info that can be seen...speed at time of accidnet, was seatbelt used...depends on car some have more info some less

13th December, 2017, 06:18 AM
It's called Bosch CDR

It's been out for years. Many law enforcement agencies use these at the scene of an accident to get as much available data as possible.
Modern modules will record 5 seconds before and after a collision collecting data from lateral, longitudinal, accelerometers, steering angle sensor, throttle position sensor, braking data, plus many more.

Bosch CDR website has samples you can view of decoded data and its quite impressive what they can retrieve.

The airbag ecu is truly a "black box" of the automobile

13th December, 2017, 06:24 AM
that's it I think
my friend said it had something to do with bosch

ill look into it

14th December, 2017, 01:37 AM
Yea I hear about this service all the time.
wrote them emails but they never responded.


