View Full Version : Starview Firmware guides??

28th October, 2009, 07:19 PM
Hi Folks,
I'm a newbie here and i tried posting a thread the other day but now i can't find lol.
Anyway i'm trying to flash my dasd's the box and haven't had much luck.
I flashed my own eurovox max v last year and i somehow got it to work but this time i'm stumped.
I have a serial null modem cable from maplins and a usb to 9 pin adapter.
I have the firmware(i think). I'm trying to flash from 4.54 to 4.57.
I can get to the point where i have the starview downloader box on screen but when i press download it just tells me i have no file or file is empty or something similar. i can't remember exactly.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.:trytofly:

28th October, 2009, 08:14 PM
Hi,firmware 4.57 is for sv2,The Box is on the label on the front of the stb. when you try to download you have to highlight the file location ,then hit download.lf you still get file empty,1,is it a zipped file you have downloaded that has to be unzipped with winrar?or download the file again, incase 1st download not successful.

28th October, 2009, 09:03 PM
Thanks for the reply...its a Starview 2 the box i guess then cos the box label is on the left.
I'll have to wait until i get down to me dad's again(tomorrow night).

Thanks again for the help.

28th October, 2009, 11:29 PM
Hi Folks,
I'm a newbie here and i tried posting a thread the other day but now i can't find lol.
Anyway i'm trying to flash my dasd's the box and haven't had much luck.
I flashed my own eurovox max v last year and i somehow got it to work but this time i'm stumped.
I have a serial null modem cable from maplins and a usb to 9 pin adapter.
I have the firmware(i think). I'm trying to flash from 4.54 to 4.57.
I can get to the point where i have the starview downloader box on screen but when i press download it just tells me i have no file or file is empty or something similar. i can't remember exactly.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.:trytofly:
would be wary of null modem from maplins.

29th October, 2009, 08:08 PM
I was thinking that mesmelf. Is there any way i can check these cables.
The null modem cable worked before so i kinda trust it. It was the usb to 9 pin i was wondering about...
Any suggestions ??

29th October, 2009, 10:50 PM
Did your adapter come with a test programme?l got one fom maplins it was a 'Nikkai' usb to serial 9 pin male adapter which came with a disc - driver and user manual and test programme.l already had another adapter.l set up the first adapter to com port 1 and connected the null modem cable to it.l connected the other end to the second adapter set for com 2.The test programme sent data out from one usb port on my laptop (com 1) back to second usb port (com 2) The maplins order code for this adapter is ZP43W .

29th October, 2009, 10:50 PM
I was thinking that mesmelf. Is there any way i can check these cables.
The null modem cable worked before so i kinda trust it. It was the usb to 9 pin i was wondering about...
Any suggestions ??

Try these drivers for the adaptor
Digital Kaos - Downloads - Maplin serial converter (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/downloads/pc/9/maplin-serial-converter-541/)

30th October, 2009, 12:09 AM
Did your adapter come with a test programme?l got one fom maplins it was a 'Nikkai' usb to serial 9 pin male adapter which came with a disc - driver and user manual and test programme.l already had another adapter.l set up the first adapter to com port 1 and connected the null modem cable to it.l connected the other end to the second adapter set for com 2.The test programme sent data out from one usb port on my laptop (com 1) back to second usb port (com 2) The maplins order code for this adapter is ZP43W .

Yes mine(nikkai) has a mini disc and i loaded up the drivers. Would you believe me if i said i didn't read the instructions....well i didn't but i will. Their down in me dads place so i will check tomorrow.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the headsup.

30th October, 2009, 12:11 AM
Try these drivers for the adaptor
Digital Kaos - Downloads - Maplin serial converter (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/downloads/pc/9/maplin-serial-converter-541/)
Will do, thanks.

31st October, 2009, 02:35 AM
Did your adapter come with a test programme?l got one fom maplins it was a 'Nikkai' usb to serial 9 pin male adapter which came with a disc - driver and user manual and test programme.l already had another adapter.l set up the first adapter to com port 1 and connected the null modem cable to it.l connected the other end to the second adapter set for com 2.The test programme sent data out from one usb port on my laptop (com 1) back to second usb port (com 2) The maplins order code for this adapter is ZP43W .
I have been thinking about what you said but i only have one adaptor. Is there anything else i can try.
Would a phase tester screw driver tell me anything...
Probably not...oh well.

31st October, 2009, 12:15 PM
No,l think phase tester screwdrivers are mute.If you can't get access to a computer with a serial port to test your adapter on,you could check to see if the adapter is installed correctly on your computer.lf your running on xp,it's as follows;control panel-system-hardware-device manager.plug in usb to serial adapter to usb port.select ports.you should see 'prolific usb to serial comm port (com ?)'If there is a yellow triangle with ! in it, your adapter is not installed properly.Does the number in (com ?) match the com port number you are using in Gtrom programme?

31st October, 2009, 04:12 PM
No,l think phase tester screwdrivers are mute.If you can't get access to a computer with a serial port to test your adapter on,you could check to see if the adapter is installed correctly on your computer.lf your running on xp,it's as follows;control panel-system-hardware-device manager.plug in usb to serial adapter to usb port.select ports.you should see 'prolific usb to serial comm port (com ?)'If there is a yellow triangle with ! in it, your adapter is not installed properly.Does the number in (com ?) match the com port number you are using in Gtrom programme?

Hi There again,
I will going to me dad's tonight after the halloween carry on and will try all the suggestions you have given. I can say though that the box the cable came in states that no drivers are needed for vista or windows 7. I don't have xp but i can say that i did check the device manager and the cable does show up. I have actually changed comm port numbers here but don't remember seeing a yellow caution sign.
I will check again.
Thanks for the help. :manuscarf:

1st November, 2009, 08:59 PM
Hi Folks,
I went down to me dads today and tried again.
You were correct about the bad install of the prolific usb software so i uninstalled and reinstalled.
I then opened the rom loader and loaded the bin file.
When i hit the download button it said it was downloading but it has sat on 0% and hasn't budged.
I cancelled and retried and cancelled and still it doesn't budge.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as my head is close to meltdown. I actually have a head ache would ya believe?
I could really do with a dig out folks.:stupido:
Thanks in advance.

1st November, 2009, 10:55 PM
Thanks for the suggestion Jok, but i already checked. The com port allocated in device manager was com port 3 so we changed it to com3 in the loader.
Everything looks to be fine, or as fine as i can see anyway.
The download appears to start but doesn't move off zero percent.
I'll start trawling the forum again. I think i remember seeing something similar somewhere.
Has this happened to anyone before ??hanks again for your input.

2nd November, 2009, 07:59 PM
Hi again,l can't help feeling your getting close.Just a thought, you are setting up the computer first to download with the box switched off,then hit download,then switch the box on within a few seconds? If that makes no difference,you could use the post search function on this forum to look a guide on 'null modem cable connections.l found a reply to a post from Dreamer dated 21 /april /2008 with a link to connection diagrams.you could get a cheap DVM meter to check your null modem cable connections.Good luck.

2nd November, 2009, 09:20 PM
Thanks folks.....
Sounds like a good idea. I will get my dad to try in a bit.
If we have any luck I'll let ya's know.
Is it possible for a download to happen without realizing it cos it seems a little bit hit and miss tbbh.
After this I'm doin me eurovox max v and then me super usb lol, kinda like running before i can walk:trytofly:. But hey, that's me all over.
Thanks again people, help is much appreciated.

2nd November, 2009, 10:06 PM
Hi again folks, sorry to be a pain but i have just been thinking.
When the box is powered up it goes straight into "On" and not stand-by.The only way to get it into stand-by is to manually switch it after it has come on.
What are your thoughts on this.
My dad has tried loadsa times now and i wonder can we damage a box by constantly trying to flash it?? Thanks for your input so far.

3rd November, 2009, 10:22 AM
I know you said it was driver related halfway through the thread. But from your first post you had problems loading the bin file.

If you got it from here 4.57 and the loader are in rar format. Did you use winrar or a similar app to unpack the file first before using both?

3rd November, 2009, 07:28 PM
I know you said it was driver related halfway through the thread. But from your first post you had problems loading the bin file.

If you got it from here 4.57 and the loader are in rar format. Did you use winrar or a similar app to unpack the file first before using both?

Hi Satsmo,
Thanks for the reply.
I don't think there was an issue with the files.
Both The loader and bin file were taken from this site(i think).
I will download them again and retry everything tomorrow when i go down to me dad's. I use winrar for extracting files. Do you think there maybe something amiss ?? If i was in me dad's place i could copy and paste the file to you, so you could have a nosey at it.
This is turning into a saga...any more suggestions.

9th November, 2009, 12:36 AM
Hi Folks,
Eventually i got things to work. The prolific software had assigned itself to com8. I'm not sure how i missed it before but the penny finally dropped.
Thanks everyone.
Anyway the first scan only gave 25 channels and none of them worked. So i checked to see was emu on, and it was.
Then i ran another scan...nada.
Just as i was leaving to go home i had a look to see if the codes were right. They weren't.
I left things with my dad for tonight and he said he' try with the proper codes and let me know.
So i'm still waiting and will let ya's know tomorrow.
Thanks again

14th November, 2009, 12:40 PM
Hi Folks,
We have done about 6 flashes and multiple scan so far and still can only find 25 channels.......Does anyone have any suggestions before we throw it int bin ??

14th November, 2009, 10:56 PM
HI,i.e change parental code to 2004 ,press info button on remote,bringing you to a secret menu and switch EMU to on.

15th November, 2009, 03:01 AM

HI,i.e change parental code to 2004 ,press info button on remote,bringing you to a secret menu and switch EMU to on.

Yeah we have EMU on in the secret menu....didn't try the parental code bit.....i also didn't know that you could get to secret menu thru the info button.
I will try the two methods and see if anything changes and i'll let you know.
Thanks for your help.

16th November, 2009, 10:01 AM
i been doing starveiw some time wat you need is gt rom an a flash an 232 cable wen u use gt rom if u look it got a bit were it say bin file clite on that bit an look 4 the flash file then down load it to your boxs