View Full Version : bsi 407 eeprom 95256 to bsi eeprom 95128

6th January, 2018, 11:25 AM
hi!! Somebody can help me!! can adapt bsi with eeprom 95128 in one car that has bsi with eeprom 95256 or they have to be with the same eeprom, thanks

6th January, 2018, 11:28 AM

6th January, 2018, 11:32 AM
I know that I have to virgin it first but my question if is posible to adapt bsi with eeprom 95128 in a car that had bsi eeprom 95256???? thank for your reply

6th January, 2018, 11:40 AM

6th January, 2018, 12:23 PM
Yes it can 100% , I did it on many 407.
Even it is with AT.
I had to make new keys only, because i didn’t made BSI virgin .
Old PIN code you must know if you don’t want to make ECU virgin or immo off.

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6th January, 2018, 01:10 PM
I know the old PIN code, so it´s not necessary to virgin bsi??? I just have to match the keys??? but I can match the old keys to the new bsi can´t I? or it´s necessary to match a new key?? thank a lot for you reply

6th January, 2018, 03:06 PM
Yes , no need to make virgin, but some little changes must be done .I couldn’t matched old keys so i made new one but you can try.

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6th January, 2018, 07:41 PM
ok I will do and I let you know how was, thanks