View Full Version : CAS3+ all keys lost

22nd January, 2018, 06:10 AM
i was recently contacted by someone with a 2009 e92 all keys lost, i told them i will try to help, when i go to the vehicle i connected my CAS plug to the vehicle cas and was given the message that software is INSTA 45, i immediately did not proceed with any downgrade as i havent run into this before and not familiar with the process, i did not want to venture onto uncharted territories without proper knowledge of what i was doing. i told him let me research what i can do, and worst case, dealer. but i really want to learn how to do this more than he needs the key, which why im spending so much time researching online than just walking away and forgetting about it.

i only have multi tool because im a BMW enthusiast and only work on some bmws, i only planned to make keys for pre lci e60/e63 because thats what i work on and have had no issues helping people get spares/all lost with those years, so for that i found multi tool be best for me when i purchased it. i'm very interested in learning more and helping other BMW models. although i told him i couldn't make his key, he has time as hes driving a 2nd vehicle, so being i love to learn and tackle on complicated situations, i found myself on this wonderful site hoping i can get some guidance on learning something new.

i have the multi tool v7.7 and the CAS plug and ncsexpert/winfp/inpa/instap-d ive used for coding as a hobby if needed. do you guys recommend i downgrade? at this point, with all lost keys, he does not care what i do, so long as i can make him a key, but i also don't want to do anything risky as cheaper to get a key at dealer than new CAS module. Are their any other methods out there i can do? or suggestions what to do using multi tool? any help i HIGHLY appreciate and thankful for any time given to help me learn more.

22nd January, 2018, 09:00 AM
Tough one...if You never done it,there is a high chance for some kind of trouble :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22nd January, 2018, 12:04 PM
Hello mate, check this thread: http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/478400-2009-BMW-CAS3-all-keys-lost

Especially this post: http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/478400-2009-BMW-CAS3-all-keys-lost?p=2557336&viewfull=1#post2557336

22nd January, 2018, 10:24 PM
Thanks for the replies! I did find that post while searching, but it’s from 2015 so I was curious if anything’s changed in the last couple years, not sure if in 2015 what version they were referring to in post. now its v7.7 and I know it’s no longer supported with updates, so i guess my best chance is to downgrade via bench (cas plug) but before save the eeprom? Also on multi tool theirs a option to fix failed insta45 upgrade, does that just try the downgrade again or fix its current state from the saved eeprom?

I have a good battery charger powerful enough to do the downgrade, I’ll prefer to do it via cas plug and less chance i believe any power shorts, also removing CAs super easy on e92, but multi tool told me to do it via obd2? Other mentioned on that post they did it via cas plug. Like mentioned I don’t mind walking away, but learning new things will help me in the long run in similar situations

22nd January, 2018, 10:33 PM
send it to me, ill do it right way

23rd January, 2018, 02:46 AM
levaime are you in los angeles?

also, i found this information online
"cas ISTAP4x version -> no need to write back to cas (needs either -working key / known ISN / ECU dump / or cycle UPTO 64 times)

So the 64 cycle is really to save you having to downgrade the CAS but you still need to manually read the CAS for this option. For me this is still the best way as theres no way I would downgrade the CAS (unless you made it very clear what this meant to the client)"

so since i can manually read cas with my multi tool cas plug, do i perform key programing as normal, and then attempt 64 times and avoid downgrading? has this been proven to work? 64 times sounds like a waste of time, but in the art of learning, its not for me.