View Full Version : Ibiza 6J 2009 24c32 staging

13th March, 2018, 07:31 PM
Can anyone help me with activate stagig?

I tried all tutorials from internet but with no success. I see staging active in VCDS but dash still no "dancing"

dump in attachment.

1 6 D
14th March, 2018, 10:19 AM
You should add 20 in 0066 adress to activate staging, in this dump you have value 40. To activate adaptation channel you have to add 40 to 00CD adress, now you have there 1C.

14th March, 2018, 08:19 PM
You should add 20 in 0066 adress to activate staging, in this dump you have value 40. To activate adaptation channel you have to add 40 to 00CD adress, now you have there 1C.
Thanks for replay! My mod is -> offset 66 - 40 changed to 60 and offset CD - 1C changed to 5C aaaand... nothing ;) Adaptation is active in vcds but still.. nothing

15th March, 2018, 09:28 AM
Here you go

15th March, 2018, 01:20 PM
@zix1 in my dump offset 66 is -> 40. I did this like on your picture offset 66 -> 60 and nothing.