View Full Version : MK5 Golf/Caddy/Touran Dash swap tool

25th April, 2018, 12:34 AM

I have been using the search in the forum to find some information but everything seems scattered,

I would like to know what is the best tool for doing the cluster swaps, mileage and keys on MK5 golf / touran / caddy etc, as I have a few people who have approached me wanting the work done, now i can appreciate the top shelf stuff like AVDI which does everything, I have stuff to do the older mk4 golfs.

Is there anything out there that doesnt have a massive price tag which can do these tasks (IMMO 4 and IMMO 4C)

I did look at the genuine Vagtacho but i couldnt get much sense from the developer and I have seen some reviews where people havent had much luck with it.

Many thanks.

25th April, 2018, 12:52 AM
impossible to have a computer with few cents,
that makes both good equipment cost a lot, they are also good in support and updates...
some equipment the good thing is that you can pay them yourself according to your needs.

25th April, 2018, 06:22 AM
MK5 is mostly VDO Micronas and not many cheap tools support this.
I think Xprog (clone) could be cheapest solution for Micronas?

25th April, 2018, 09:46 AM
Thank you for the response,

Ill have a look into this to see what is there,

I have heard of some people swapping information from one cluster to another, I assume on these it isnt just a case of a single EEPROM chip anymore on like the older MK4 golf etc.

25th April, 2018, 10:46 AM
Nope, immo is encrypted inside eeprom, so swapping will fail.

25th April, 2018, 10:48 PM
Has anyone had any experience with the most recent genuine vagtacho, as from the developers page it "seems" promising and for 700 euro it doesnt seem half bad.

25th April, 2018, 11:50 PM
No doubt mate smok with immo option.

Smok Real good with vw

26th April, 2018, 07:56 AM
Vagtacho doesn't do Micronas new (which are the red fis clusters and are most common in MK5 cars 2006-2008)

26th April, 2018, 09:12 AM
I'm sort of grasping what your saying H2Deetoo,

So you reckon an Xprog clone might do the job.

I've not got that in depth into the mk5 apparently there is a guy who will take both your clusters and make the new one become a straight plug into your car, this must be some form of data transferring I'd assume.

Worst thing is I'm not even interested in going newer than mk5 ATM but it's a ballache.

26th April, 2018, 03:35 PM
X-prog will do job but need to have good soldering skills, some pins form Micronas MCU has to be lift form board.
Also it is not just click and go tool, after decrypt data you need to know what to swap.

If you want to do this kind of the job you need to be ready to spend at least 1500 euros.

27th April, 2018, 10:16 AM
As much as i like to learn new things, it does sound like quite an indepth task lol :P.

Is there much information about to sit and learn about decrypting data etc or is it one of the "close guarded" bits of information?

I guess its going to be spend alot of money to get a click and go tool or still spend quite a bit but not as much and learn micronas decryption?

Thank you for all the responses on this btw.